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11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale
All images on this page are Sheepadoodles from Grace Wood Farm

Cute, fluffy, playful, loving, intelligent, fun - could the Sheepadoodle be the perfect dog? This breed is capturing the hearts of dog lovers more and more each day. Who could resist all this cuteness? It's like having your cuddly living stuffed animal to snuggle and love! 


The Sheepadoodle is a "designer dog," quickly becoming a tremendously popular and highly sought-after breed. With exceptional intelligence & trainability, being as cute as a big teddy bear, and a personality full of love and kisses, the Sheepadoodle is our favorite dog breed! 


Want to know more about this adorable doggie? Here are 11 things you should know about Sheepadoodles before buying one.  

1. What is a Sheepadoodle?

Sheepadoodles are a hybrid cross between a Poodle and an Old English Sheepdog. Drawing the best from both breeds creates a fantastic combination. 


Crossing the Poodle with other breeds has become increasingly popular in recent years. By nature, Poodles have minimal possible shedding, making them unlikely to trigger allergies and great indoor pets.   

Standard Poodle - Grace Wood Farm
11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale
Fully grown Sheepadoodle from our farm

Poodles are among the most highly intelligent dog breeds, known for being easy to train. They have a playful nature and are one of the friendliest dogs around. They are affectionate, loyal, sociable, and enjoy games. They are low-aggression and get along well with children and other animals. 


But not everyone is looking for a Poodle as a pet, and they have carried a reputation as being more of a "prissy" or "frou-frou" breed due to fancy haircuts and a history of aristocratic ownership.

Link, our Standard Poodle sire

For years the average American family was drawn to lovable breeds like the Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever. But as anyone who's owned one of these breeds knows, these sweet doggies shed A LOT! Often, their fur would end up in every crack and crevice of a home, making it nearly impossible to keep up with cleaning. Additionally, these dogs trigger allergies in humans, and if a family member suffers from a dog allergy, these breeds were not an option. 


In recent decades breeders began to search for a solution to these issues. Was there a breed that was a lovable, down-to-earth family pet that also was low shedding and triggered pet allergies? The answer came from the "designer dog," a hybrid between a purebred Poodle and another family-friendly breed such as the Old English Sheepdog. 

The Old English Sheepdog, an OES, has been a beloved and cherished breed for centuries. They are the most famous "shaggy dog," known for their vast, fluffy coats. They have a low-key and mellow temperament and are natural people-pleasers who desire to make their people feel loved and happy. They love children and other animals and always watch everything going on. They aren't yappy or prone to bark senselessly but will bark at unknown noises or strangers, making them excellent watchdogs. Their playfulness, kindness, and sweet nature have people in love. 

Sheepadoodles are bred to bring the best traits out of both breeds by selecting dams (mamas) and sires (daddies) with the best qualities from each breed. They inherit intelligence and easy trainability from both sides. They are often graced to inherit the kindness and mellow temperament from the OES. They also are bred to carry the minimal shedding and low allergy-triggering coat from the Poodle. Sheepadoodles are friendly, loving, kind, and love to play. 


Put all this together, and what have you got? A breed that everyone is falling in love with!

Old English Sheepdog - Grace Wood Farm
Torrun, one of our OES mamas

2. How big do Sheepadoodles get?

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale
Sheepadoodle from our farm
Grace Wood Farm- Moyen Sheepadoodle
Grace Wood Farm- Mini Sheepadoodle
11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale

An average standard Sheepadoodle will be 50-85lbs but can be as small as 45lbs and as large as 100lbs. 

Here at Grace Wood Farm, we have also introduced smaller sizes of Sheepadoodles to fit the lifestyles of all our pup parents. These smaller sizes are sometimes more desirable for older folks who feel they don't want to handle a big doggie, those living in apartments without the space, or those who don't just don't want a giant fur baby. 


A Small Standard (moyen) Sheepadoodle is a cross between a moyen (medium-sized) Poodle and an Old English Sheepdog or Sheepadoodle, making for a medium size. Small Standard (moyen) Sheepadoodles will be in a weight range of 35-60 lbs, with an average of around 45-50lbs. Small Standard (moyen) Sheepadoodles are a little larger than minis but won't have the chance of getting big like some standard Sheepadoodles. They are an excellent option for those who don't want a small dog and also don't want a huge dog. Moyen is the French word for "medium," a Small Standard (moyen) Sheepadoodle is a tremendous medium-sized dog option.


Mini Sheepadoodles cross between a Miniature Poodle and an Old English Sheepdog or Sheepadoodle, making for a smaller version of this beloved pooch. Mini Sheepadoodles will be in a range of 30-50 lbs. 


The smallest size of Sheepadoodle available is the micro Sheepadoodle. Micro Sheepadoodles are a cross between a mini Poodle and a mini Sheepadoodle, with a weight range potential of 20-40 lbs, depending on the parents. 

3. How much do Sheepadoodles shed? 

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale
Sheepadoodle from our farm

Sheepadoodles are minimally shedding dogs. It is a misnomer to call any dog "non-shedding," as even a Poodle will still shed a little bit, and a 100% no-shedding dog does not exist. But as Sheepadoodles are bred to inherit the minimal shedding from the Poodle, the Sheepadoodle will likely be as low shedding as possible.


This minimal shedding also makes them a low allergy-triggering dog. Many people who suffer from pet dander allergies will find that their allergies aren't triggered around a Sheepadoodle. Some with extreme allergies may still be activated, and those allergic to dog drool may also experience allergies. But an average, non-extreme dog allergy can be avoided with a Sheepadoodle. We also breed F1b Sheepadoodles, which will have the highest level of common allergy-triggering traits to meet the needs of our doggie lovers who suffer from allergies. 

4. What is the Sheepadoodle's temperament & personality?

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale
Our Sheepadoodles love kids!

When the proper Poodle and Old English Sheepdog parents are selected to breed for the ideal temperament as we do here at Grace Wood Farm, the result is a fantastic personality in the Sheepadoodle offspring. Sheepadoodles often have a relaxed and calm demeanor. In addition, they are friendly with children and other animals, making them fantastic family pets.

They are obedient, easy to train, and love to please their family, making them an excellent addition. They are highly social dogs and will always love to be around their people. We do not recommend they be left alone without socialization for extended periods, as this breed needs to be around people and loves. If you work long hours and there is no one home for many extended hours per day, five days a week, the Sheepadoodle is not the right fit. This highly social breed could develop anxiety and depression and lead to destructive behavior if spending most of their time alone. 

Sheepadoodles are often very cuddly and will love to snuggle or crawl up in your lap. You will love your new snuggle buddy because they have such soft and fluffy fur!

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale
Our Sheepadoodles love snuggles!
11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale
Snow from Grace Wood Farm
11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale
Big, fluffy lap dogs

5. What are the colors and patterns of the Sheepadoodle's coat?

The variety of coat patterns of our Sheepadoodles in the same litter 

Sheepadoodles are almost always born with a combination of black and white colors. As they get older, the black often can fade to various shades of gray, a trait often inherited from the OES. It is also possible for some black spots to fade or "clear" to white over time and disappear entirely!

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale

Some Sheepadoodles' adult coats can vary significantly from how they look as puppies, while others keep the same puppy colors and patterns into adulthood. Some Sheepadoodles can be almost entirely black or white, depending on the traits inherited from their parents. Coat patterns can include black markings like a tuxedo, abstract spots, polka dots, patch eyes, parti faces, masks, and many unique markings. There's always a wide range of variety in each Sheepadoodle litter! It is also possible to have Sheepadoodles in shades or with cream, brown, and red touches, although this is less common. 

Mostly White & Black Coats

Sheepadoodle coats can range from straight to curly hair, and often there is a variety within one litter. Some can have a coat similar to the straight, fluffy hair of the OES, while others can have kinkier hair like a Poodle. On average, a Sheepadoodle bred for optimum coat will have thick, wavy hair, giving them that stuffed animal cuteness that is hard to resist. F1b Sheepadoodles are more likely to have kinky or curly hair than F1's.

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale
An average Sheepadoodle fluffy coat wave

6. What does the Sheepadoodle's coat maintenance look like?

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale
11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale

Since Sheepadoodles are mostly non-shedding dogs, you will save time by not having to clean up massive amounts of dog hair around the house. The trade-off for this luxury is that the Sheepadoodle coat will require more maintenance than some other dog breeds. Sheepadoodles must be brushed at least once a week to prevent and remove any matting in their fur.

To keep an optimum coat, brush 2-3 times a week or even daily if your dog looks their best. We recommend combining a de-matting brush and a regular hair brush to work through their entire coat.


Sheepadoodles must also be routinely groomed to keep their hair trimmed, neat, free from matting, ears clean, and nails trimmed. You can either learn to do this yourself or, as most people do, take them to the groomer. Their ears also can get built up with dirt, moisture, and earwax, so they must be regularly cleaned to prevent problems and discomfort to the doggie.


If you aren't ready to spend the time and money to groom them, this might not be the right breed for you. 

7. How are Sheepadoodles with kids & other animals?

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale
11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale

By nature, Sheepadoodles love to play with kids and other animals. Children often love these doggies because they look like big, fluffy stuffed animals. Don't be surprised if your kids find a new best friend in these sweet pups!

Because Old English Sheepdogs are bred to herd sheep, they can be a breed that can nip at children. Some Sheepadoodles can pick up this tendency. This is most common while they are still a puppy (under age 2) and is a trait that can be removed through proper training and reinforcement. Parents with young children should understand this propensity so they and their children can know what the puppy is doing and respond in a way to discourage the behavior. To better understand what a "nip" is, know they aren't biting hard or being aggressive or mean. Often it is just a herding tendency, and most often would happen when a child is running away from a group. The dog will gently nip at the child's clothes or hips like a herding dog would do to encourage a sheep to return to the fold. Because Sheepadoodles have such a strong desire to please their people and receive positive affirmation, they should quickly learn that this behavior is discouraged if they do have this tendency. With training, they should quit the behavior out of their desire to make you happy.

One of the beauties of the Sheepadoodle's calm demeanor is that they get along excellently with children and are very gentle. They often will take a child's rougher play with little to no reaction and enjoy the attention they get. They also love playing games with kids and will enjoy burning off energy by running around and playing with their little humans. 

Sheepadoodles also love to play with other dogs and, with proper socialization, enjoy going out in public and visiting doggie parks. They also appreciate having doggie siblings and will get along great with any dogs you already have. Most dogs do best when you have two or more in a home. By nature, they are pack animals, and having a doggie sibling will help them not feel lonely or bored and often will keep them out of troublesome behavior.

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale

8. How long will Sheepadoodles live?

Sheepadoodles have a 12-15 years lifespan, meaning they will be a loving family member for years to come.

9. How healthy are Sheepadoodles?

An additional benefit to properly bred Sheepadoodles is that the likelihood of health issues more prone to the Poodle or Old English Sheepdog can be reduced through crossbreeding, often called "hybrid vigor." Some breeds' uncommon health problems can repeat through generations through harmful recessive genes prone to the breed being passed on.


Crossing two healthy, purebred dogs from different breeds increases the likelihood that any negative recessive health issues will be eliminated. This doesn't mean they are impervious to health problems; with advanced age, any dog can develop health issues. Regular vet visits combed with proper diet and exercise will help a Sheepadoodle have a maximized healthy life. 

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale

10. How active are Sheepadoodles?

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale

Sheepadoodles are an active and playful breed. They require daily exercise, play, and activity to be happy and healthy dogs. A minimum of 30 minutes per day should be given to your Sheepadoodle to exercise through walks, playing, fetch, etc. When responsibly bred for temperament, they should not be a hyperactive breed prone to exasperate their owners. The Sheepadoodle is the perfect activity level for most active families to fit your lifestyle. Do you have kids? Your children and a Sheepadoodle will love actively playing together and wearing each other out. As a parent, you can enjoy them all sleeping soundly at night after an excellent vigorous playtime.

Sheepadoodles also, by nature, should enjoy water and swimming, although some dogs' personality leads them to dislike water. Sheepadoodles will play hard, but they also love to crash hard. Don't be surprised for a Sheepadoodle to curl up for a nice hard nap around the house (or in your lap!) after playtime.

11. How easy are Sheepadoodles to train?

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale

When bred adequately from the ideal parents, Sheepadoodles are naturally very intelligent and long to please their people. They are quick learners, and with the proper training and positive reinforcement, they will pick up housebreaking and commands. We highly recommend that every puppy go through doggie obedience classes, and often you, as the owner, are the ones that will learn the most from the lessons! Understanding best practices with dog training will set you and your Sheepadoodle up for the best scenario to have a happy and positive human-to-doggie relationship.


Sheepadoodles can also be trained to bark at unknown strangers or unusual sounds, making them excellent watchdogs. Yet their gentle demeanor as a breed will help them with positive reinforcement to learn to still interact well with new people and animals. Sheepadoodles can quickly learn commands and love positive reinforcement as they crave their people's approval. We've had dogs from our previous Sheepadoodle litters be trained by their new owners to participate in dog competitions, completing various tricks, obstacle courses, and complicated commands.


Check out this video of Snow, one of the Sheepadoodles from our farm, in a competition:

Sheepadoodles are so bright; this mom trained her pup to talk to her through a soundboard! If you've never seen this video, be prepared to be surprised, we've never seen anything like it!

Put all this together, and you can see why we believe that Sheepadoodles are the best dogs around! The real question to ask yourself now is: why don't I have a Sheepadoodle yet? 

11 Things to Know About Sheepadoodles - Sheepadoodle puppies for sale

Interested in getting a Sheepadoodle?
Call us today at (803) 888-4149 or click here to get in line for one of our upcoming Sheepadoodle litters!

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