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Sheepadoodle Guardianship Program 

Welcome to our Guardianship Program! 


 ~Legal ownership of the dog (microchip #_____________) remains with the breeder until the dog has produced appropriate number of litters (less for females, more for males) at which time the dog will be spayed or neutered at the expense of the breeder. Full ownership of the dog will then be transferred to the guardian.


 ~Guardian has no right to puppies produced by this dog or to semen produced by the dog.  


What is a Guardian Home?


A guardian home is a home/family for a male or female Poodle, Sheepadoodle or OES (Old English Sheepdog) that Grace Wood will use to breed sweet sheepadoodle babies. This dog will be your families pet in all aspects of the word other than in times when its time for them to mate and then give birth. It is a big responsibility but a beautiful partnership. 


What are your responsibilities?


You will raise the dog as tho it is your family pet ( because it is!) You will be responsible for all vet bills, and food etc. minus the birth vet bills, that will be paid for by Grace Wood Farm. When it is time for mating and birth, the female or male will need to go and stay at Grace Wood Farm until the proper time after birth or mating in which the dog will then return back home with you and your family. 


What does Grace Wood Require of Your Fur Baby and Family?


Take care of your baby with all love and care that she or he needs, stay up to date on vaccinations and vet care. We will require you to feed them a certain food that all our dogs on Grace Wood Farm eat. Make sure that they are safe and that their coat is kept up with. You must live within 45 minutes of Grace Wood Farm. They must be solicited properly with other dogs and people at all ages of her/his life. Any medical issues the dog may have which are NOT related to breeding and Emergency vet costs (NOT related to breeding) your family will be responsible to care for. Aslo, year-round preventative medications against heartworms, fleas and ticks.


 1)Notify breeder immediately when the female dog has come into her estrus cycle and be prepared to meet breeder upon request when dog is needed for breeding purposes.


 2)For female breeding dogs, keep all unapproved intact male dogs away from her when she is in season. For males, keep females who are in season away to prevent accidental breedings. 


 3)If guardian family goes on vacation or out of town for any reason and dog is not sent to breeder's home for duration of the vacation, contact information for kennel and/or petsitter should be given to breeder before guardian family departs.


 4)If dog does not pass certain health tests and is deemed by breeder to be unfit to reproduce, the dog will then be spayed or neutered at the expense of the breeder. Guardian will not be required to pay any fee for the dog in this event.


5)Guardian agrees to maintain this contract even if they relocate out of the area, including flying the dog back to the breeder at the expense of the guardian.


 6)Guardian agrees to keep in close contact with breeder, regularly sending photos of dog and gives clearance to breeder to use any photos sent for marketing purposes (social media, website, etc.)


 7)Deliver dog to vet appointments for breeding purposes at times breeder is out of town. Will be set up at least 48 hours in advance.


 8)If at any time the breeder finds the guardian to be non-compliant, the dog shall return to breeder immediately.

 9)If the dog is altered OR bred purposefully without written consent of the breeder, guardian will owe breeder a sum of $30,000. Any legal costs involved with obtaining this payment will also be paid by guardian.


What is your charge for the puppy? 


Your cost for the purchase of the dog will be greatly discounted at $300.Price may increase if the puppy is older than 8 weeks of age and has received additional vet visits or training.  For each litter that your dog has you will be given $150 as a thank you for the time she or he is away from your family. You will receive one of the best puppies we can produce or a 'pick of the litter' puppy from another breeder from which we purchase the puppy. We do offer for the dog to stay at our home when the family goes out of town and needs to have the dog boarded, given that our schedules line up for this to be possible, we do need at least a two weeks notice. Once the dog has whelped or fathered an appropriate number of litters, they will be spayed or neutered at the cost of Grace Wood Farm. 




How do you become a Guardian Home? 


First you must call and have a verbal interview/conversation with the owner Brittney Stasi and then if she feels good to move forward she will email you an application for you to fill out. There will be a week waiting period to hear back on your application. 





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